Introduction The idea for
this vehicle began some monthes ago, as in the two harbors sets from
1991, there are two trucks but not any shunting vehicle. I've captured
the emblematic shape of those vehicles, with a narrow cab. I had to
innovate to keep the 4w scale and having a 3 wide cab. So I used a
vintage window as a windshield, and used a 1x4x1 panel to keep the cab
as small as possible. I've placed a "L" logo sticker on the truck's door
as it was the mark of the Lego harbors in the 80's. The trailer is
fairly generic, there is nothing very special in. The two containers has
two different brands, the black one is Lego branded and uses the
printed parts from LEGO-343-1 ferry set from 1968. As I don't have the
set, it's a good way to use those parts. The second one is a Maersk Line
one, in the same spirit as LEGO-1651-1 Maersk Harbor shunting truck and
LEGO-1552-1 truck but with a reduced size to the standardized 4x8 size.
The most difficult thing to find was the 1x4x3 grey window with
shutters tabs. It's an expensive part, so I won't build more Maersk
containers with openable doors if the price isn't reasonable. Creation contains This
creation is composed of a shunting truck with a trailer, a worker, two
containers (Lego and Maersk), a red trolley and two crates with Lego
boxes and electronic components.
Scenery The
scenery is a harbor scene with the 6540-1: Policja-na-molo police station, a
freight wagon, a crane to load the gravel in the ships and a Container
Ship creation. More to find in the scenery page.